Born and raised in the great wonderful state of Texas. With two amazing Christian parents and two silly brothers, life could not be better. Adventures definitely describe daily life. 

My name is Elizabeth Marie Fitzhugh, and this is a little bit about me. My story began on September 27th, when I decided to arrive a month early to the party. I was definitely a surprise because a lot of my family thought I was going to be a boy. Little did they know I was going to be a crazy, unpredictable, creative girl.

Life was great. I had all the attention. Little did I know that my journey as an only child would not last long. I had prayed for two straight years for a baby sister, but after two years and two brothers, I decided that I probably needed to stop.

Every day since they have brought constant joy and laughter to my life. God knew exactly what I needed. I could have never asked for anything better. 

For a short while in my adventures, we lived in Round Rock, Texas where my dad served as the children's minister for a short time. Soon, we were called back to what is now our longtime home, Corsicana. 

I'm currently finishing out my last year of high school, definitely excited. And this fall, I plan on attending Dallas Baptist University in hopes of becoming a Christian Counselor. I'm beyond ready for the New Year! Ready to see God continue to move in my life.

Love always,


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