Make Use of The Time

It's definitely been an interesting season at home, but I wouldn't take any of it for granted. I'm in awe of how God takes such crazy times and uses them for things beyond my comprehension.

When this whole quarantine thing happened, my first reaction was jumping for joy. I was really excited that I wouldn't have to go to school for another week.

Until I realized the challenges this would bring for our yearbook publishing... it was definitely one big beautiful disaster. My senior year can be summed up by that one word, "yearbook." There were stories that needed to be written, photos that weren't taken, endless tasks.

It's actually quite funny when I think about all of the challenges we've had in the yearbook this year. At least I can say I've grown in ways I never knew I could. We had countless computer crashes, memory card catastrophes, emotional days, missed events, and the list goes on. As the days became crazier, I couldn't help but just laugh.

Then, God blessed us with a miracle. We somehow managed to publish at 3:16 a.m. on March 25. And it was by far one of the happiest moments of my life. I know there will be countless more memories and days to top it in the future, but as of now, it's up there. A huge burden was finally off my shoulders.

As our spring break continued to be extended, I settled into the whole "working from home idea." I've been able to pursue hobbies I haven't done in a long time! Drawing, painting, playing the piano, writing letters, baking, reading, and journaling. The older you get the easier it is to lose yourself with the many distractions the world has. I remember doing a lot of the things I loved when I was a kid. And I've had to ask myself, "why don't I do what I love anymore?"

And honestly, that's been my goal throughout all of this time at home. Now that all of the distractions are away I've tried to start putting the priorities where they need to be. Asking God to reveal areas of my life that I haven't surrendered. Working towards becoming healthy again. Drawing closer to the Lord, and praying He helps me stay at the center of His will for my life.

I definitely needed all of this time we are getting. And even though there are definitely things we appear to be "missing out" on, I'm also learning to be perfectly content where the Lord has placed me. It's not easy. I have my days of anger and tears. But, every seat the Lord puts us in has a purpose. We are never going to get this much "free time" on Earth, so we might as well make use of it.

"Perhaps this is the moment in which you have been created." Esther 4:14



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