Oh, I Can Only Imagine

The MercyMe song "I Can Only Imagine" is one of the most popular Christian songs out there. After watching the movie, I was absolutely touched by the story behind it. And when I look at everything the Lord did through Bart, I know that I can only imagine what the Lord is going to do in each of our own lives.

I've always loved writing my prayers in journals. I started around the beginning of my seventh-grade year. Reading through those prayers now is embarrassing, to say the least. But definitely a sweet keepsake. I've continued trying to keep using a prayer journal to be able to look back at the ways the Lord has worked in my life. However, I find myself lazy with no motivation to write at times.

Madison Melcher, an AMAZING Jesus-Loving girl, posted about her journals recently. And I asked her, "How do you keep the motivation to write?" My favorite piece of advice she gave was to be "real, raw, and messy." She said that some pages in her journal were beautiful, but a majority were messy filled with random thoughts, prayers, and notes.

I definitely have found myself holding high expectations of what my journals should be. But, when I looked at this journal and kept that mindset I was amazed at how more words started to pour out of me. I didn't feel the pressure anymore to write perfectly. I just started to write what God was doing.

It's only been a few days, but that one mindset check sure did change things. To me, writing is one of the best ways to capture all of the fingerprints God leaves on your life. And I Can Only Imagine the stories I will have to look back on in these journals.

I know I will most likely laugh at the things I've written, but I know it will also serve as a great keepsake and reminder of God's faithfulness.


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